Learn more about our care for international patients.
International patients receice a prepared and well planned treatment in our center. Here, we can provide professionals that can communicate and give you all information that you need and want to have while staying in Brazil.
Our concierge service consists in giving you support and help finding the best accomodation, transportation and communication. Send a message or a email to our team, to know more abou tour protocols.
Have your dental implant with us, and have a treatment with quality, care and experience of our multiprofessional team.
Our team can give you a guide of closest and most confortable accomation options, so you can have a good and safe place to stay, while having your treatment.
Our team can give you orientation of different means of transportation, from and to airport, from and to hospital and from and to our clinic.
In our team, we can count with a professional that can assist with translation, during your consultations, exams, pre and post-operatory.
Todos os membros da equipe da Clínica Odontológica são profissionais licenciados. Nossa equipe é composta por dentistas gerais licenciados.
Avenida Santo Amaro, 1047 – 16º andar – Conj 1603 – Vila Nova Conceição
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